Sunday, 30 April 2017

First humiliation

As you know, religious education is a compulsory subject. Ok, you can choose "ethic"
if you are not afraid of having a row with your grandma. I've never followed the crowd, but  I had to be a conformist in that case. If I hadn't chosen religious education I would have lost my grandma's acceptance. She is a complete religious fanatic. In my view, everybody who goes to a Sunday Mass which starts at 5 a.m. is a zealot. 

A great number of people share the view that religious education is needless if we take into consideration the syllabus. We should learn more about people of all faiths and how to respect their beliefs. Strangely, all of my catechists were bigots (how a Christian can hate anything different?). When I was 8 my friend smacked my butt. Everybody was laughing at me. At first, I was mad so I told on him, but the stupid catechist didn't punish him. Next, I was shocked because she explained to me that boys do some strange things and it's normal. SERIOUSLY? 

When my mom told me that a bus run her foot I couldn't stop laughing. LMAO. That was rude of me, wasn't it? It was a good day :D

Saturday, 22 April 2017


To my mind, tutoring only has downsides.

1. Print-outs. Considering the price of a lesson, I can't provide print-outs for every student. I usually send it via e-mail. Some of my clients prefer to rewrite exercises. Seriously? I've forgotten that I live in Poznań. People from Poznań, don't be so tight! Ebenezer Scrooge is the master of cheeseparing, not you.

2. Strangely, strange people choose my offer. I get along with many nuts but I don't accept every psycho :D Once I had to translate a song and teach a girl how to read in Spanish. Does it sound normal? Her dream was to sing Enrique Iglesias' song. During our class, she was singing his love song. If I were lesbian I would fall in love with her. She was the first person who has sung me a love song. It means that my love life sucks. I should be more gentle.

3. Tutoring is not a form of sponsoring. A few months ago a mystery man visited me. He was quite handsome. So I gave him a textbook and... he was completely confounded. To my pure astonishment, he explained to me that I didn't actually tell that I'm a prostitute, but it was implicit in the way in which I said that I'm a t-u-t-o-r.

4. I won't say anything about deceitful people. They owe me some money.

5. My friend was telling me that tutoring is a rewarding job. She was annoying me, however, I was proud of her. Looking at tutoring through rose-colored glasses was an impressive achievement, therefore, she was a hero for me.

I've never been good at prevailing my body language. I finally learn how to not show annoyance in my speech and... I can do it here :)

Monday, 17 April 2017

Holy... Easter!

As we all know, Easter is a great occasion to spend time with our family. I won't say "with our loved ones". Don't get me wrong, I love my family (only because I'm Christian so I love everyone (devil laugh). The Easter's spirit... I mean the fighting spirit. Who is a better Christian, who has more money, who has a better job... Jesus died for everyone's wrong-doings and we should reflect upon our life in another way, without comparisons (but I earned more money than my cousin!).  I was thinking about how to mitigate conflicts during holidays. Don't drink vodka - it won't help (but with every shot the world is getting more tolerable). I had an argument with my dad. Our relation consists of mutual sneering because we are alike in many ways and that's the problem. I asked Jesus what I should do, but he never responds.

Spring should be pleasantly warm.  The wildlife comes out of hibernation, trees blossom and... dog poops are everywhere.  If you've ever had the misfortune of treading on dog poop when you were looking for fake eggs and gifts - so you also prefer Christmas. I still vividly remember that moment. I was so shocked that I dropped my basket (full of chocolate bunnies) into...Ohh.

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Slumber (wine) party

In primary school, we always have a sleepover for our birthdays or during summer. That parties were filled with snacks, popcorn, coca-cola and pizza. Our moms were serving breakfast... So... Yesterday I went to a sleepover party. Our goal was to bring back memories(which should move us to tears). The truth is that we were broken so we couldn't go to the cinema or just eat out.

I would like to describe some differences between adult and kid slumber party: slumber party centers solely around drinking. I was on my way to have an unforgettable night when I saw a bottle of wine.
2. no breakfast (unless you have a boyfriend who will stop by and bring croissants)
3. when you were young, in the morning you were trying to collect all your stuff: sleeping bag, panties, toothbrush... yesterday we were trying to stuff all the bottles in one rubbish bag.
4.pyjamas. You weren't allowed to come without a fancy pyjamas. I have to say that (luckily) the dress code has changed. You should pack up a T-shirt and panties (the clean ones). If you're
insta girl the dress code is still the same (if you haven't read my post about insta girls, please do it now, because I will never stop hating on them xd). Think about buying silky, satin shorts with peach lace trim. Whatever it is.

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Gary Oldman

Is it possible to be in love with two people at once? Yep, It has happened to me. When I was 14 I was having two relationships with Sirius Black and Gary Oldman. Unfortunately, both (relationships) were imaginary.

As you may know, Sirius Black is Harry Potter's godfather, the wrongfully accused godfather. His fearlessness was inspiring. He risked himself so many times to protect all his friends. Surprisingly, Sirius never had a family of his own. The feeling of losing a loved one was one of the accompanied his life. In other words, his story is one of the most dramatic that I've ever heard. I remember the moment when I heard aboutSiriuss Black. He borrowed his flying motorbike to Hagrid. J.K. Rowling created a unique character that shows us how to get through rough time. His death ripped my heart out. Nevertheless, Gary Oldman is still alive so I hope that somebody will write a script for him about Sirius' life :)

Gary Oldman dropped out of school when he was 16. When he was 7 his father, who was an alcoholic, abandoned his family. Gary Oldman is also a recovering alcoholic. When I read an article about this, I was completely shocked... He played so many eccentric characters, for example, Dracula.