Tuesday 12 December 2017

8 Fighting with procrastination. The bloodshed.

A few days ago I complained about aggressive ad campaigns. I still haven't bought the bra (am I the first person who post something about bras?). Apparently the technique which I chose to escape from the omnipresent advertisement is quite efficient. Yesterday I discovered something that is BRILLIANT. When I told my friend what kind of tool I had found she looked quite puzzled. Unfortunately, she didn't know how to tell me politely that technophobia made me become a total tech ignorant. In several words, BlockSite is an extension which is the key to write master's thesis. OK, it just blocks websites. So I would like to say goodbye to Facebook and other emissaries of Satan.

You have already tried 4 times. Seriously? You should be doing something else. (That's my turn to say: SERIOUSLY?)
You have already tried 6 times.
I hate to tell you this, but this site is still blocked.

You have already tried 9 times. One more and you will hit two digits. This is seriously the waste of time.
May I cite the words of a famous and very gifted singer? Britney Spears sings "Oops I did it again" xd I mentioned Britney because one of my friends who reads my posts is a great music lover. However, I think that he desires to be a lover, Britney's lover :D

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