Sunday 9 April 2017

Slumber (wine) party

In primary school, we always have a sleepover for our birthdays or during summer. That parties were filled with snacks, popcorn, coca-cola and pizza. Our moms were serving breakfast... So... Yesterday I went to a sleepover party. Our goal was to bring back memories(which should move us to tears). The truth is that we were broken so we couldn't go to the cinema or just eat out.

I would like to describe some differences between adult and kid slumber party: slumber party centers solely around drinking. I was on my way to have an unforgettable night when I saw a bottle of wine.
2. no breakfast (unless you have a boyfriend who will stop by and bring croissants)
3. when you were young, in the morning you were trying to collect all your stuff: sleeping bag, panties, toothbrush... yesterday we were trying to stuff all the bottles in one rubbish bag.
4.pyjamas. You weren't allowed to come without a fancy pyjamas. I have to say that (luckily) the dress code has changed. You should pack up a T-shirt and panties (the clean ones). If you're
insta girl the dress code is still the same (if you haven't read my post about insta girls, please do it now, because I will never stop hating on them xd). Think about buying silky, satin shorts with peach lace trim. Whatever it is.

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