Sunday 7 May 2017

Daniel Radcliffe

Frankly speaking, Daniel Radcliffe looks ordinary. Being Harry Potter makes him appealing. Unfortunately, he's not my type. On the other hand, I can objectively criticize him as an actor. It will be a pleasure for me to present him as a great actor.

A Young Doctor's Notebook
Film critics described this series as "delightfully weird". It's a British dark comedy based on the short story collection by Mikhail Bulgakov.  I'm a lover of movies which are dominated by droll humor. Undoubtedly, a young callow doctor in a remote Russian hospital during the Russian Revolution will make you laugh. With no practical experience, he tries to operate people. It's hard to say who was more petrified: he or the patient. Too stiff to walk, but using a scalpel is not so complicated, isn't it?

The F Word (SÅ‚owo na M)
Doubtlessly, it hurts to be put in the friend zone. How to get out of the friend zone? Ask Wallace. I utterly adore this movie because Radcliffe as Wallace is quite clumsy but still charming. There is a lot of dialogue (and witty jokes!) in the book. If a movie can be waffle, The F Word is at the brink of it.

Horns was not well received by film critics. A murder mystery in a small town and... horns sprouting from the head of the protagonist. Strangely, I'm fond of strange movies.

December Boys
This movie touched my heart.
One summer, four orphans boys who have grown to be the closest of friends find themselves competing for the attention of the same family. 

If you want to watch a movie with Harry Potter you should choose December Boys.

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